📡ᎠᎬᏴϴᎡᎪᎻ ͲᎪᏙᎪᎡᎬՏ📍Sewer Plants - Delivering Water to your Town.(כתוביות אוטו)

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| 08/07/2021 | StopTheCrime |
| Israeli News Live | Live528 |

Sewer Plants - Delivering Water to your Town
Please listen to the disclosure I did which will be up on my site StopTheCrime.net 08/07/2021 - It is about sewer poop/urine and many other contaminants being delivered to residents for FREE - so they can water exterior landscaping and veggies. This mix of fecal, urine and toxic meds and jab poison and more is delivered and pumped into plastic tanks residents place in their front yards. They MUST pump the POISON out within 48 hours before algae, the smell and the sludge thickens and is to slimy to pump. This city is in Sonoma County and soon to become the program for other cities. To find out where and more-listen to my vid.
Deborah Tavares

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