Best US National Anthem ever by Roseanne Barr; Daily Swi-SS Murder Threats Made in SwiSSerland

G.I.U.R.E.H. Photo

3 年 59 觀看次數
Pharaoh Bush Sr very upset for his NWO because of female jewish actress; meaning that above the allegedly jewish Hollywood, there's something else even more powerful and ruling over Hollywood being the top headshed of Hollywood itself and even ruling the entire USA: Pharaoh and his SwiSS Nazi-Templars. Video "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil" will give you all the proofs:
If you look at the itinerary, it's interesting to see, that it all happened in the year 1990: Bush declaring the NWO on 911 September 11th only 2 months after July 25th National Anthem. ;amp;t=2s ;amp;t=1s