Youtube Deleted My Last Historical Documentary; After 9 Years I will Leave Fucktube Now!

G.I.U.R.E.H. Photo

3 yıl 93 Görüntüleme

My last video had too much dangerous information for the highly criminal Nazi State of SwiSSyland, so the SwiSS and some other organised Mafias on all key positions pushed hard for Fucktube to censor, delete and strike my important video on the Community Guidelines Nazi Bookburnings; my aim is a better world for our children, stop the wars and stop the destruction of this earth. But the powers of the Enemy Within are too strong. Does anyone have a good idea, which next internet platform without dictatorial censorship, I should take? Mengele's Bloodline: same face, same skull, same part of Switzerland, same cruel cold pityless character, both very calculating, same terrible crimes, same occult organisations behind, both agressing children, same swiSS connection: