Tony Pantalleresco - Tonys Show Ep.#669 (29 Oct 2022)

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Tony Pantalleresco - Tony's Show Ep.#669 (29 Oct 2022) 


Well, how do we get rid of that evil scum? Just chopping their heads off isn't enough, more importantly we must destroy all their hidden knowledge/and evil knowledge, all their books and bloodline shit etc etc. With which they raise and mindfuck their own offspring every time to teach them how to suppress the rest of humanity in order to keep power over the stupid people. If you don't, then all the problems with that scum will resurface over time, chopping their heads off isn't enough, so you'll have to eradicate it with root and branch. So we must destroy all their history and institutions, education schools for their children etc etc and importantly also, all their historic castles and mansions and all the rest of their grotesque madness what they have built to impress the people with their might over us. Also all their symbolism, and statues, their Art, their flags and all other shit where they honor their ancestors' with, their sick bloodlines, to remember from what evil nest they came from, who were also as evil as fuck.. So it's about time to destroy all their historical shit, their books, their symbolisme etc,  same what they did to us, to keep in power over the rest of humanity, they destroy our knowledge every 100 years so you/we don't have an origin. Of course I could devote a whole blog to this but I don't feel like it, think about it more deeply for yourself....I'm sick of all the bullshit
