This App Will Most Likely Be Made Illegal.(cant have the slaves know they are being poisoned...) 14 feb 2023

justmec Photo

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This App Will Most Likely Be Made Illegal.(can't have the slaves know they are being poisoned...) 14 feb 2023

If I still had a cellphone I would want this...but I no longer have one as they are not safe. Yeah this is another lie they told us. Cellphones DO cause cancer. I also don't use a microwave oven. And got rid of WiFi in our home. No LED light bulbs or CFL light bulbs either. Once you realize they lied to you about their technology being "safe" you do the exact opposite of what they promote. 


I also don't have a smartAssphone, the only Apps I have are the apps on my stomach, but since 2007 I have booklets containing all the additives they put in our food to poison everyone. Actually you can't eat anything anymore, not even from your own vegetable garden that has also been poisoned by all the shit they sprays into the air above our heads, and your vegetables and the soil absorb it..enjoy your meal.

By the way; I even wrote a blog about it "The Cell Phone Poisoning of Our World" in my About section on (scroll down there) which for the smartassphone users will probably come's over as some kind of shock therapy and don't want to hear that, because they are so "awake" they are not "awake", because if you are, then is the first thing you should do is get rid of that smartAssSpyphone, what will takes you deeper and deeper into the digital hell from which you will no longer be able to escape.
