ECOCIDE - 5G Electromagnetic Radiation Is Destroying Our Wildlife (2) 2 okt 2022

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ECOCIDE! - 5G Electromagnetic Radiation Is Destroying Our Wildlife - Part 2 (MrHellvis69) 2 okt 2022

Part 2 of a Swindon Yellow Vests Documentary on the devastating effects upon our wildlife caused by 5G Electromagnetic Radiation emitting from LED street lighting and masts.
I have been collecting this evidence for well over a year, and we need to hold our local councils and MPs accountable NOW for allowing the installation of this untested and UNINSURABLE system. It's killing the pollinators, small birds and shrubs and trees. What is it doing to us?
Stand up and be the Resistance. Let your MPs know that you know what they are doing. They are complicit in genocide.

Link to Part 1: 

( A comment on the vid part 2 ..and the answer on it)

Thank you for your hard work mate.  I'm completely against all of this and I'm currently putting a video (short doc) together to show my neighbour, who is on the council.   The only issue I would have showing this footage is that I can guarantee that his response will be.....if it was the street lights killing the trees, bees & birds.  Why are there not hundreds of dead bees & birds around them.   And why are some of the trees not effected that are close to the ones that are.  What would you say to that? 

I would say for every dead bee we see there's a hundred that we dont. The wind soon takes their little bodies. Dead birds get carried off by foxes and crows. The other day I saw a horse chestnut tree with no leaves or conkers they have fallen already. This tree was BUDDING AND FLOWERING IN MID AUTUMN! It was trying to survive. Tell that to your skeptical friend.