L' Aristocratie Pharaonique tue les Européens dans la Bataille de Verdun

G.I.U.R.E.H. Photo

3 anos 56 Visualizações
1 MILLION DE MORTS DANS TRES PEU DE TEMPS, PARCE QUE L'HUMANITE EST UNE RACE ELEVEE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABjgiY_sHck& ;amp;t=245s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oI0lOH2GauY
My name is Sean Hross, my other channels are giureh and chatzefratz, my email is swisstorture@gmail.com, and this video here tells the whole story of our ruling Masters: "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil" URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-BFmn2S_jU& ;amp;t=103s