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With the announcement of the NASA’s ARTEMIS moon project and the two recently failed attempts at launch and subsequent postponement, it may be a good time to lift up NASA’s rug and see what has been swept under it.
Here is a small excerpt of Dave McGowan’s awesome audio book,
”WAGGING THE MOONDOGGIE” https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie/ 



To make it even simpler that they haven't been to the moon is that the average temperature on the moon is 114 degrees Celsius, and then I think; was the flag made of asbestos or something? Then the shoe prints of the astronauts on the moon; ..for example when you are on earth on the beach close to the dunes, which is furthest from the sea, the sand is dry, if you make a footprint there you only see a dimple, no profile print of your shoe because there is nomore moisture in the sand due to the heat of the sun that has evaporated all the moisture. But if you make a footprint near the high tide line on the beach where the sand is moist, you will see the imprint of your shoe's profile because the moisture causes the grains of sand to stick together so that your shoe print remains visible. So an average temperature of 114 degrees Celsius on the moon ensures that there is no moisture in the moon surface, so no shoe prints possible, just a dimple just like on the beach on Earth near the dunes. Plus how do you explain, for example, the rubber tires on the moon car that are not affected by 114 degrees Celsius? etc etc etc....so, no one has been on the moon until today.
