Camping out aside 12th Century Castle with Our Headless Women in Imperial Fortress's Freemason Lodge

G.I.U.R.E.H. Photo

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THE CONCEPT OF 3 AND 4 REPRESENTING SQUARE & COMPASS. Our women are just headless baby machines for them, and even when going to the doctor for an artificial insemination, our feudal Masters make sure only their pharaonic DNA will be injected into those headless baby machines . . . . . until in the end they won't even need anymore of those baby machines to be disposed of in the very end . . . . just as they've done with the men through all these senseless wars without end! About the broken mirrors in the garden: when someone dies in front of a mirror there's a certain risk the soul gets caught inside the mirror. That's why in some cultures people cover the mirrors in the room where someone is dying until the body is carried away. When that particular mirror breaks, the soul breaks with it. Maybe the "7 years of bad luck" stems from that. Well... who knows? I also heard rumors about celebrities not having mirrors inside their houses. Probably scared of something.
My name is Sean Hross, my other channels are giureh and chatzefratz, my email is, and this video here tells the whole story of our ruling Masters: "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil" URL ;amp;t=103s

I'm sorry, I'm not a christian, nor do I belong to any other religion; I'm just a warrior, who fights against the powers of darkness for a better world. And I'm not going to wait much longer, until some God will clean up this mess for us - I rather do it myself. Okay? And do not push me with things like: "if I'm not with Christ, then I'm with the others", because I do a lot more than all the fatalist dogmatic religious bible bangers, quran and torah bangers around.