MY Overview Timeline explained Genesis to 2012 - Game of Thrones Banking Law Exchequer

11 mois 48 Vues
Here is my views on the NWO timeline agendas from Genesis to 2012 (now), these are just my current views and they can and do change.
******About referencing Zen Garcia, I was sorry to see he just posted a video that he believes the flat earth thing, and I believe that whole thing to be a total PSY OP to make truthers look bad, so I'm now sorry I referenced him, BUT his work on the bloodlines is good, and I in NO WAY think he is in on the PSYOP, I think he's just very open-minded and questions everything, may even a bit gullible (sorry Zen), I prefer the word ' innocent' for him as I like his material generally.
I welcome constructive comments and suggestions for future video topics ;) Thanks