Yale Professor has advised the Japanese government that old people there should commit mass suicide, and if they refu...

justmec Photo

1 année 40 Vues

Yale Professor has advised the Japanese government that old people there should commit mass suicide, and if they refuse, they should be murdered.



Unbelievable, from what is said in Japan, that the old people should commit suicide en masse, apparently everyone has forgotten there that "a flower is only at its most beautiful just before its death" which spiritually means that people with a lot of life experience who normally have to pass that on to the youth, who still know nothing and only have a few green leaves have developed, is it very important for a society to prevent the youth from falling back into old mistakes. That you want to kill the old people as a solution because the youth can no longer raise their cock and have become infertile due to all their poison in their bodies and therefore can no longer produce offspring and Japan can no longer bear the burden for the elderly financially, so the old ones should commit suicide or must be killed?...then I see the best solution that the whole of Japan better sink off to the bottom of the sea with everyone who lives there.

(I have also put my comment under the 15 Feb 2023 podcast of Tony's show https://alive528.com/v/19017 )
