Analysis- Graphene Conduit For Demonic Possession AI

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1 année 427 Vues

Aliens = material8stic thinking Demons = spiritual thinking but perhaps the real demons are all incarate and they work for the cia, who hide behind brands like demons hid behind idols and the real devil and his sngels are also incarnate and so is Michael who fights them. The pope and the 322 people.The devil and his angels, they know their time is short. You would expect them all to be here on eartth for the big showdown otherwiee why would the book of Revelation tell us about inviaible things.? What would be the point ? The whole point of prophecy is we can see it coming to pass. No, this all relates to real world events and real world people right now. Space is faked . Its probably more water up their. Not even Timothy Good who wrote the UFO bible 'Above Top Secret' believes in aliens, he said its an interdimesional phenomona more like angels and demons. Where are these aliens coming from uranus? We dont even know what planets are as all the mars rovers were also faked. No Astronot saw ufos either they are all paid to lie they are actors. The only thing we know for sure is the cia really really want you to believe in aliens, but not angels or demons hmmmm Will the CIA control us via Grphene? Well then it's a conduit for demonic possession.