(Sean Hross) - Quadruple C Corporatism, Counterfeit & Cyber Crime (11 sep 2022)

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(Sean Hross) - Quadruple C: Corporatism, Counterfeit & Cyber Crime (11 sep 2022)

Through 2.000 years of Pharaonic terror the French have become very mistrustful, with their national mistrust augmented by the alleged counterfeit cyber crime as by the Naturabuy company (because of the Youtube Freedom of Expression Laws i must put the word "alleged" in the sentence to make the video judicially compatible for publication). Today you need to have a freaking law degree to able to live normally. Here the items that were ordered on August 16th for 440 Euros; no luxury goods but just necessary items to survive in my situation and not freeze to death - and even that they steal of a homeless guy:
