Germ Theory with Alex Loglia Complete All 4 Parts - William Cooper Hour of the Time 1993 (30 sept 2021)

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Alex Loglia presents a four-part series on germ theory for William Cooper's radio show Hour of the Time, which was broadcast in November and December of 1993.
He provides the historical context for the theory of germs as the cause of disease. A key aspect being the charlatan Louis Pasteur, who pushed his plagiarized pseudo-science on the world in the late 19th century. This is compared to the work of a real scientist, Antoine Bechamp and his theory of the terrain and pleomorphism. Numerous Scientists and Doctors are quoted providing much compelling information.
Alex does talk of viral "isolation" but as many will know by now, what virology calls "isolation" is nothing of the kind. What they are actually doing is killing cells in toxic cultures through starvation and chemicals, then calling the cellular breakdown and debris as proof of a "virus", of "isolation" and that the "virus" caused the cells to die! The second half of the series moves on to a critique of HIV & AIDS, a monumental medical fraud that rocked the 1980's and 90's. He runs with the assumption that HIV actually exists but does not cause any disease. Please watch "the emperors new virus" and my uploads with Dr Lanka (links below) which explain why there is no proof that HIV even exists.
HIV/AIDS has of course been over shadowed by "COVID-19", without doubt (along with germ theory itself) the biggest medical fraud ever perpetrated on Humanity.
The whole broadcast is of upmost relevance to current events. Listen to Alex talk about HIV = AIDS and compare it to SARS-CoV-2 = COVID-19. The similarities are so obvious it is clear they have just re-run the same scam but on a much larger scale. If we do not learn from history and expose the Covid scam this time, there may not be a next time.
The Hour of the Time's website:

Part 1 -
This is part one of a four part series entitled Germ Theory by Alex Loglia, and first airing in late November through early December of 1993. The series was broadcasted on the radio show The Hour of the Time. William Cooper, creator and host of The Hour of the Time, was heard on the air throughout the 90's until his death by murder in 2001 shortly after the prediction of 911 just a few months before the tragic events took place."
In this part, Alex Loglia talks about the history of the germ theory and (the false premise of) the concept of vaccination.
There is no need for an introduction really, as Alex explains it very clearly.

Part 2 -
This is part two of a four part series entitled Germ Theory by Alex Loglia, and first airing in late November through early December of 1993. The series was broadcasted on the radio show The Hour of the Time. William Cooper, creator and host of The Hour of the Time, was heard on the air throughout the 90's until his death by murder in 2001 shortly after the prediction of 911 just a few months before the tragic events took place."
In this part, Alex Loglia talks about the contagion theory and its absurdities.

Part 3 -
This is part three of a four part series entitled Germ Theory by Alex Loglia, and first airing in late November through early December of 1993. The series was broadcasted on the radio show The Hour of the Time. William Cooper, creator and host of The Hour of the Time, was heard on the air throughout the 90's until his death by murder in 2001 shortly after the prediction of 911 just a few months before the tragic events took place."
In this part, Alex Loglia talks about HIV and AIDS being the biggest (or I would say one of the plethora of) medical scam ever.

Part 4 -
This is the last part of a four part series entitled Germ Theory by Alex Loglia, and first airing in late November through early December of 1993. The series was broadcasted on the radio show The Hour of the Time. William Cooper, creator and host of The Hour of the Time, was heard on the air throughout the 90's until his death by murder in 2001 shortly after the prediction of 911 just a few months before the tragic events took place."
In this part, Alex Loglia furthers his talk about HIV and AIDS.