Child called Mason witnessed Poor Kids Holiday Invitations in Mother of Darkness Castle

G.I.U.R.E.H. Photo

3 Jahre 70 Ansichten
I got invited by very friendly Aristocrats, who as children always spent their holidays in The Mother of Darkness Castle (Le Château des Amerois) in Belgium; a very hospitable family with whom I had very long and pleasant conversations. I heard some real tragedies most likely related to that castle, which I can't tell you now out of discretion.

My name is Sean Hross, my other channels are giureh and chatzefratz, my email is, and this video here tells the whole story of our ruling Masters: "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil" URL

I'm sorry, I'm not a christian, nor do I belong to any other religion; I'm just a warrior, who fights against the powers of darkness for a better world. And I'm not going to wait much longer, until some God will clean up this mess for us - I rather do it myself. Okay? And do not push me with things like: "if I'm not with Christ, then I'm with the others", because I do a lot more than all the fatalist dogmatic religious bible bangers, quran and torah bangers around. I like those authentic Christians though, whom I consider my friends, but I perfectly understand, that they will never stand up, and will have themselves dragged away in some concentration camp again with some funny divine smile around their lips and a punched violet inversed pyramid of death on their chests like in Auschwitz . . . . without a single act of resistance. It's real funny, because their divine leader Jesus resisted against the Pharisees and the authorities, but his divine followers are told to turn the other cheek; you just can't wrap your head around that one, hey. ;amp;t=251s