Sigi's Erschütternde Nahtoderfahrung ergab Eintritt in Paralellwelt der Pyramiden und Hieroglyphen

G.I.U.R.E.H. Photo

3 Jahre 52 Ansichten
Für die Transparanz seid frei Sigi zu kontaktieren, damit wir das Volk uns weiter organisieren gegen Ungerechtigkeit, gegen diesen totalen Zerknechtung und gegen schweizer Kriegsfinanz: Schauen Sie die Filme "Das Schweizer Biest - Basislager des Teufels", "Die Pharaonen Show" und "Die Nazi-Templer kommen aus der Pharaonen Adel mit Schweizer Basis (ganzer Film)".
Sigi had a stroke and a life changing NDE leading him to my videos about the Pharaohs, as he was led into a pyramid in the paralel world during his stroke. The most amazing was, that Sigi heard a phone call between the doctor and the hospital nurse, while he was in coma and physically far away from the callers. The nurse in the hospital said, that there were no beds in the hospital for a near dead body, that had been lying in a house for 4 days before being found, and they didn't want him in the hospital a lost case anyway. But the doctor on the other end and in a different part of town didn't let go, persisted and proposed to get the "lost case" back in the ambulance, pull an administrative trick and deliver him again but this time at the emergency entrance of the hospital, which they did saving Sigi "the lost case" his life. When a long time after Sigi (from Siegfried) told this thing to the doctor in question a thing only two people were supposed to know, it left the doctor utterly shocked and baffled.
Translation from user Chiller Kalle: Allow me to translate as good as i can :)

This german man is talking about his stroke (twice), his near death experiance and leaving his body while laying in his apartment alone for four days. He said that there was bright light.
He was able to whatch himself laying down. He was invited to see pyramids from the inside. There where lyrics (heroglypics) to see whitch where scolling down like in movie whitch he could´nt interpretate.
After that the experiance endet and he was found in his apartment. This situation happenend twice he said so after that he was shure that there is "the invisible world/otherside" whitch he/we should´nt ignore.
Later he found books and interviews of people who saw the same things as he did.
After he recovered as goog as it get he googled and the first thing that popped up was "the pharao show" whitch he was facinated about. For two years he studied many other videos and books about this topic.
Meanwhile he was´nt able to work so he spend his time with education.
He said that he is very thankfull that he was able to catch so much informations through these videos whitch made his researches more easy.
He said that this happenend 10 years ago and four days ago his turkish buddy gave him a slip of paper and one of notes was "the pharao show"!!!
He could´nt believed it and his buddy said that he is able to introduce him to Giureh....and so he did.
Also he´s telling his story about how he was rejected by the german hospital (they pronounced him as good as dead) after laying in his apartment for four days in the state of coma. His doctor did the phonecall.
Then his doctor called the medics and directed them to pronounce him as an emergency so he could get the propper help he needet to survive the stroke!
After that they´ve had a little chat and Giureh promised him to give him a video whitch he thinks would complete his studying at all after 10 years.
Finally....the a sign of gratitude....gave him this multifunktional torch whitch Giureh (also) is very thankfull about.

Hopefully i did a good job on the translation!
All the best from Berlin/Germany.

My name is Sean Hross, my other channels are giureh and chatzefratz, my email is, and this video here tells the whole story of our ruling Masters: "The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil" URL ;amp;t=103s