Effects of Wireless Radiation and Non-ionizing EMFs on Wildlife by Dr. Henry Lai

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The health effects of wireless radiation extend beyond human health. FCC’s limits were only designed for humans, not animals. Despite numerous studies showing harmful effects from wireless and non-ionizing radiation, the current reality is that insects, birds and airborne species like bats that live in close proximity to cell tower antennas are unprotected because RF regulations do not apply to wildlife. Trees, plants and bacteria have also been found to be impacted by RF exposure, yet they are also ignored by FCC’s human centric regulations. Read a list of research studies at https://ehtrust.org/electromagnetic-radiation-wildlife-and-environment/ A landmark research review by U.S experts of over 1,200 studies on the effects of non ionizing radiation to wildlife entitled “Effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields on flora and fauna” published in Reviews on Environmental Health found adverse effects at even very low intensities including impacts to orientation and migration, reproduction, mating, nest, den building and survivorship. https://doi.org/10.1515/reveh-2021-0083 “A review of the ecological effects of RF-EMF” published in Environment International reviewed found RF had a significant effect on birds, insects, other vertebrates, other organisms, and plants in 70% of the studies reviewed with development and reproduction in birds and insects the most strongly affected. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160412012002334 The research review “Electromagnetic radiation as an emerging driver factor for the decline of insects” published in Science of the Total Environment found “sufficient evidence” of effects including impacts to flight, foraging and feeding, short-term memory and mortality. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0048969720384461 Download PDF of Wireless and Wildlife at https://ehtrust.org/wp-content/uploads/Wireless-Impacts-to-Wildlife-Scientific-Research-Studies-Flyer-With-Science-.pdf