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כל עוד הנר דולק ניתן לתקן
קרינה מחלישה (1)
Harald Kautz Vella - Black Goo - czerwiec 2015 /napisy PL /
עדות מטורפת מפיה של ד''ר פורנימה וואך שעבדה במעבדה בקליפורניה
Kerri Rivera and Dr Seneff - Chlorine Dioxide destroys Glyphosate (MMS / CDS / CLO2 )
How wireless technology harms people and nature
Report 273 - Paul Anthony Taylor on the danger to health freedom from the Codex Alimentarius Project
Spurt In Bird Deaths In Odisha Triggers Panic
Over 15,000 Birds Dead at Sambhar Lake, State Officials Still Confused
Birds killed by 5G tower
כל עוד הנר דולק ניתן לתקן
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כל עוד הנר דולק ניתן לתקן
קרינה מחלישה (1)
7 0HD
Harald Kautz Vella - Black Goo - czerwiec 2015 /napisy PL /
92 0HD
Harald Kautz-Vella, konferencja Bases, Woodborough, 20 czerwca 2015 /wcisnąć CC polskie napisy/
Chemtrails, Black Goo, Choroba Morgellonów, Mikrofale, Smart Dust i inne ...
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עדות מטורפת מפיה של ד''ר פורנימה וואך שעבדה במעבדה בקליפורניה
103 1
עדות מטורפת מפיה של ד"ר פורנימה וואך שעבדה במעבדה בקליפורניה. מעדותה עולה שהמעבדה התבקשה למצוא ולבודד את הנגיף כבר באפריל 2020.
הממצאים שעליהם היא מעידה מדאיגים ביותר. ועוד יותר מדאיגה עדותה על נסיונות ההשתקה שהמעבדה עברה. הנה חלק מדבריה:
"הם מצאו את אותם הדברים שעשינו. הם לא מצאו את SARS Cov 2, הם לא מצאו את הגנום, הם לא מצאו כלום. לא נמצא דבר
התקשרנו לרוברט רדפילד, מנהל ה-CDC כדי לספר לו את הממצאים. הוא אמר 'לא אכפת לי מה מצאת, פשוט תקראי לזה SARS-Cov-2'
ביקשנו מה-CDC לשלוח לנו דגימה של הנגיף המבודד. הם אמרו שאין להם, הפסיקו לענות לשיחות שלנו ואז המעבדה שלנו עברה פשיטה על ידי ה-FBI"
Kerri Rivera and Dr Seneff - Chlorine Dioxide destroys Glyphosate (MMS / CDS / CLO2 )
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Kerri Rivera has had very good success with eliminating gut parasites using a highly diluted solution of chlorine dioxide called "MMS". Dr Seneff has explained that MMS also neutralizes glyphosate toxicity. Every city in the country treats municipal water supplies with chlorine so the FDA's hysteria over MMS enemas is baseless. They have even gone so far as to call it "deadly". Well, sure if you drank undiluted chlorine. Whatever happened to "it's the dose that makes the poison" that they always say when we point out the deadly chemicals in vaccines?
Kerri has helped many children recover from autism using a completely safe MMS protocol. But there are people who think autism is just "neurodiversity" and choose to ignore the serious medical issues. A few "neurodiversity" people complained to Facebook and YouTube about Kerri, saying that it's insulting to imply that autism could be "cured". As a result, YouTube has deleted her account. 2 books to download and learn more about this
Keri can be contacted through or
How wireless technology harms people and nature
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Presentation by Professor Emeritus Martin L. Pall.
This video is footage from the High School GIH on 10th of March 2016 in Stockholm, Sweden.
According to some authorities and governments, it is not possible for microwaves from mobile phones, WiFi, 'smart' meters, etc. to cause harm to human health or nature. They claim that research in the field is inconsistent and that there is no proof that such radiation can cause health issues.
According to the eminent physicist, geneticist and cell biologist, Prof. Emeritus Martin L. Pall, they are wrong on all counts.
Martin Pall, prof. Emeritus at Washington State University, has an impressive body of work. His first article on EMFs and their role in VGCC ion channels activation in cells earned a place in the "Global Medical Discovery" list of the most important articles in medicine in 2013.
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Full video
Report 273 - Paul Anthony Taylor on the danger to health freedom from the Codex Alimentarius Project
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Mirror. Source
Report 273 - Paul Anthony Taylor on The Danger to Health Freedom from the Codex Alimentarius Project
Quote: "Informative and detailed presentation from Paul Anthony Taylor, Director of the Dr. Rath Health Foundation, on the grave dangers to health freedom and health choice of the UN's Codex Alimentarius project, run by way of the Codex Alimentarius Commission through the FAO and WHO. Focusing on their Guidelines on Vitamins and Minerals, Paul Taylor describes how vague definitions, demands for limiting amounts and requiring arbitrarily-decided RDAs -- recommended daily amount--plus examining vitamins as if they are drugs, studying toxicity, and exempting countries who classify vitamins as drugs impact on health freedom choices on vitamins and minerals. Since the standards relate to world trade rules and international law, the ways in which companies manufacturing and selling vitamins and mineral supplements across borders will be impacted. A little-known subject, Paul Taylor recommends that everyone concerned about bodily autonomy and maintaining health freedom get more informed on this subject so they can act in the right ways in their own arenas of expertise to preserve health freedom for all, and take steps also to protect their own health. LINKS FOR MORE: From Paul Anthony Taylor: Subscribe to the Dr. Rath Health Foundation newsletter: The Codex Alimentarius Commission: The Facts That Everyone Needs To Know The Codex Alimentarius Threat To Your Supplements Didn’t Go Away, It Just Went To Sleep. And It’s Coming Back The ‘Brussels EU’ And Its Dangerous Plan To Implement Maximum Amounts For Micronutrients PREVIOUS PODCASTS WITH PAUL ANTHONY TAYLOR ON NATURAL HEALTH, PUBLIC HEALTH, MEDIA COMPLICITY, AND CORPORATIZING OF THE ENTIRE HEALTH INDUSTRY: Newsbreak 137 | Roger Guttridge, Holding the Line Exposes Press Censorship of Natural COVID Cures: Report 238: Paul Anthony Taylor and The Corporatization of Public Health: Report #181: Paul Anthony Taylor, Dr. Rath Health Foundation: "WHO is Compromised By Big Pharma": RAMOLA D REPORTS. DETOX NANOTECH and CLEANSE YOUR PINEAL GLAND. Try Clean Slate, Zero-In, and Restore for detox and daily health at this link (which supports this channel): FIND PRINT/VIDEO CONTENT: Media Site and Magazine: Author website: Ramola D Reports is at Bitchute, Brighteon, Odysee, Live 528, Rumble. FREE YOURSELF FROM THE MATRIX OF MORTGAGES, DEBT, AND RIGGED COURTS: Sign in to the Matrix Freedom platform for more information: ;amp;ag=Ramola%20D RECLAIM YOUR SOVEREIGNTY AS AN AMERICAN AND CORRECT YOUR STATUS: PLEASE SUPPORT MY WORK AND THOSE I SUPPORT: SUBSCRIBE OR DONATE: Patreon: Paypal: CONTACT WITH REFERRALS FOR INTERVIEWS, INFO: [email protected] "
CODEX ALIMENTARIUS ~ Ian R. Crane, St John's Church, Totnes Devon October 2007
David Noakes on the history of the EU Awake & Aware holidays
Newsbreak 37: David Noakes Addresses the Falsehoods Published by the MHRA
Persecution by the socio psychopathic corporatist state
Covid Vaccine Scientific Proof Lethal Source: Get this shared all over - Action time is now Here is the science link, the crime ref# is 6029679/21
Electromagnetic pulse causes man's death ~ 5G is a target acquiring weapon system - This is not for control but an extermination technology ~ Microtechnology in Pfizer's vaccine ~ Complex Microtechnology in Pfizer vaccine vial ~ Facial recognition and direct energy weapons: Gearing up to take out the vaxxinated
Streetlight weaponization 5G LED toxic ecocide - Lots of people asking for this banned video
VAERS analysis reveals irrefutable data showing criminal collusion between vaccine companies
Spurt In Bird Deaths In Odisha Triggers Panic
31 0HD
The recent discovery of carcasses of around 20-30 birds under mysterious conditions at Natasahi area under Krushnaprasad Block in Puri district has triggered panic in the region.
Over 15,000 Birds Dead at Sambhar Lake, State Officials Still Confused
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Citizen journalist Samyak Soni reports on the state of events at Sambhar Lake, where the death of thousands of migratory birds has left locals and state officials confused.