All wireless devices Dangerous radiation is produced.(כתוביות אוטו)

3 年 90 觀看次數

All wireless devices (including cell phones, cordless landline phones, any item with Wi-Fi or Bluetooth capability, etc.) generate and emit invisible electromagnetic radiation called radiofrequency (RFR). of published scientific research links this wireless radiation to serious health effects on health—such as memory and sleep problems, headaches, cancer, and damage to brain development. Wile riaonenras ep io ilen bin due to their thinner skulls and unique physiology. Children’s brains and immune systems are still developing, therefore they are more vulnerable to the effects. Physian oupsuch themerin Acemy Pedtric theiennMedial Association, and the Athens Medical Association are among the many international medical organizations that have issued recommendations to the public to reduce exposure to cell phones and wireless radiation. Many scientists, doctors, and policymakers are calling to halt 5G. Numero goverents sh as Fnce, Crus, a Israeare baing anor resictingwireless in classrooms to reduce children’s radiation exposure. The European Parliamentary Assembly issued Resolution 1815 which recommends reducing EMF exposure to the public and recommends, “for children in general, and particularly in schools and classrooms, give preference to wired Internet connections, and strictly regulate the use of mobile phones by schoolchildren on school premises.” Everyonean learnow to ussafe tecology anhow to aocate fosafe tecology intheir communities.Shop our rommended pducts TODA Up for T's newslett at EHT on Faebook: https:/ EHT on Istagram: https:/ and Suppor EHT on Patreon at to EHT