(Sean Hross) Political Song Hey SwiSSy, are you Busy at the BIS-sie (with Lyrics) 4 jan 2024

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(Sean Hross) Political Song: "Hey SwiSSy, are you Busy at the BIS-sie" (with Lyrics) 4 jan 2024
4 jan 2024   (update 8 jan 2024.. and here is the Official Studio Clip by Sean Quichotte & Octogon Bangers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cop9d11GzSs   )  :p

In December 2024 my Frisian sound technician Paul Faber from Youtube and Bitchute channel "Kosmonoxcide" gave me his classical guitar, through which Homie Hross got some musical and most of all political inspiration to make my first genuine "Alpine Heidi Song" titled "Hey SwiSSy, are you Busy at the BIS-sie", with which my Frisian sound technician will supposedly make a professional clip with lyrics, drums and synthesiser - oh boy, I can hardly wait anymore for it to be ready and start my music career producing my SwiSS album with loads of "Heidi Songs" and "Heidi Lyrics". I guess though, for the time being I'd better cancel my SwiSS concert tour or maybe just postpone it for more appropriate times. Contact details of Frisian sound technician Paul Faber: faberpaul1984@gmail.com on telephone ++31- 613300132 in the autonomous Frisian Republic.

Lyrics: Hey SwiSSy, are you busy? The BIS, call it the BISsie. SwiSSy busy at the BISsie.


Hitler financed at Villa Schönberg. Raven of Zürich finance jerk. Hitler's SwiSS raven; Humanity, impossible to save 'em. 


 SwiSSyland base of Pharaoh. Dumb humanity don't know. Homie Hross full of rage. In this goddamn final age.


1291 Knights Templàr. Another psy op farce. Templar invented banks. Better refuse their ranks. 


7 Hills in SwiSSyland. How do we defend. SwiSS Beast with 7 heads. Hell is what she gets. 


White man never built in stone. Pharaoh came and is a clone. So Pharaoh became nobility. And has no more credibility. 


The neutral base . Of the Master Race. What to do with the elite. Only option is delete. 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4weP8FiUkw  ;


The cross, which symbolizes freedom... horizontal 3, vertical 4 (flying through time and space)...when you come here to Earth, the 7 planes of the cross fold up and form into a cube, forced by those in power, the cube where you in held captive here on Earth, like a slave, as a kind of prisoner in it, and when you die it unfolds again like a cross, hence the crosses in the cemeteries on the graves, which symbolize that the dead are free again. And that is also what Jesus symbolized, crucified on the cross: That you can be free... even here on Earth, if you have found the secret door in the cube, to be a free human here

Living In A Box https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHzfhU8t5i8

Departure   https://alive528.com/video/17052
