Conscious Dimenison - The Lilly Wave

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Conscious Dimenison - The ''Lilly Wave'' Jeff Rense & Dr. Patrick Flanagan, Mind and Emotional control and influence through the power grid and many hand held or household devices. "Independent of the Physical Space we live in". The mind should roam freely, the spirit flow freely, the physical body move freely, and in our consciousness we should be aware of our surroundings and take care of all things livings. It is ok to think outside the social parameters and speak our thoughts without harm or degradation. Keep this in your building blocks: our thoughts become words, our words become action, our actions become character and our character our destiny. You can be kind and a warrior, choose your path and learn your life's lesson with respect, share your experiences as gifts especially when asked and know your life's lesson have been taught to you. Be glad you have been able to learn, not everyone is that lucky.