Egyptian Magic ► The Mysteries Pt 2 ►William Cooper ► 02.15.1993

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" . . . by making these broadcasts, I have sealed my fate." Wm. Cooper / Hour of the Time / Feb 15, 1993

Join us as many of us are still trying to catch-up with what Wm Cooper was teaching his listeners almost exactly 20 years ago.

It is my current belief that "they" knew there was a coming Apocalypse (revealing/awakening) . . "they" had to take the real truth away, and only give those who awakened "controlled" information . . . the disinfo is going into hyper-speed now - but the truth is still available for those who can find it . . .we have to build our intuition to sort it out. - urupiper
Egyptian Magic ► William Cooper ► 02.15.1993
Hour of the Time

"If you wish to remain Free you will have to fight for it... not because we want to fight, or you want to fight, but because the traitors (within our government) will give us no choice in the matter. There will be either a revolution (the Marxist's choice) or there will be a serious attempt to restore Constitutional Republican government under Law (the Patriots choice). In any event there WILL BE WAR between the Citizens of the United States of America and the Marxist minions of the subversive corporate United States' new world order."
from "Majestytwelve" by Wm Cooper