Why the Centralization of Health via the WHO Should Be Resisted by Civil Society (11-5-2022)

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Dr. Silvia Behrendt is the founder of the Global Health Responsibility Agency for accountability and transparency for health decisions. She was previously a consultant to the WHO on the IHR and wrote her Ph.D. about the executive authority of the WHO-DC during PHEIC.

This is an edited segment from the weekly live General Assembly meeting on May 9, 2022. This presentation is also available on Rumble. The full General Assembly Meeting is available in the Newsroom. A transcript of this presentation can be found on our website.

https://odysee.com/@WorldCouncilForHealth:3/Dr-Silvia-Behrendt-Resist-Centralization-of-Health-WHO:9 (in full HD)


WHO - the World Hell Organization