1st MIDAZOLAM Whistleblower Activist Wayne Smith, FOUND DEAD (16 dec 2021)

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The so called Liverpool care pathway (exported to over 20 other countries), and the use or abuse of midazolan and morphine, as well as other techniques which seem to be coordinated.

"State" sanctioned "Eugenics/Murder" now "under covid cover". "The Liverpool 'care pathway' in the UK, is estimated to have killed (murdered?) one million people. They banned it because it was barbaric, and they introduced it again (using covid as cover)." (Wayne Smith) You know, the lovely Matt Hancock MP. (See conversation with other rabid Midazolam/Euthanasia/Eugenics proponent Dr. Luke Evans MP)

1st/Main Midazolam Activist / Whistleblower Wayne Smith (who was not terminally sick) suspiciously found dead recently (a few months ago), wait for it... of "COVID". Just in time for the UK (puppet) government's second covid = end of life drugs... culling season!!!

RIP, Wayne Smith (1960 – 2021).