Wireless Radiation Health Effects: Brazil Meeting on Electromagnetic Radiation & Children FULL VIDEO

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Wireless Radiation Health Effects: Brazil Meeting on Electromagnetic Radiation and Children This segment features several experts on the issue of health and policy regarding wireless radiation. https://youtu.be/cLdLhiAwI9M Dr. Stella Michaelidou President of the Cyprus National Committee on Environment and Children's Health, Ronald Melnick former NIH scientist, Dr. Erica Mallery Blythe of PHIRE, and Theodora Scarato Executive Director of Environmental Health Trust. Link to Brazil Expert Conference website this video is excerpted from. https://www.tecnologiasegura.com.br/ FAQs on cell phone radiation https://ehtrust.org/health-effects-of... Sign up for EHT's newsletter at https://secure.everyaction.com/TMmKiv... Published science on Wi-Fi https://ehtrust.org/why-are-doctors-c... Published science on 5G at https://ehtrust.org/science-on-health