Lost Arts Radio Show #5 (2/7/15) - Special Guests Christina England & Roger Landry

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Vaccine Information Marathon (Part 1) with 2 Very Special Guests!

Christina England is a world-class investigative journalist specializing in vaccine injury (http://www.vactruth.com) and false allegations of child abuse resulting therefrom. She writes for VacTruth, Health Impact News, Medical Kidnap, GreenMedInfo, The Liberty Beacon and MissEcoGlam on immunisation safety and efficacy and false accusations of shaken baby syndrome. She has also co-authored the book Shaken Baby Syndrome or Vaccine Induced Encephalitis – Are Parents Being Falsely Accused? with Dr. Harold Buttram, and is the author of Shaken Baby Syndrome The Vaccine Cover Up That Can Land You in Jail. Her long experience in vaccine research will offer us a unique view into how vaccines can help or harm those who receive them.

Roger Landry is the founder of The Liberty Beacon Project (http://www.thelibertybeacon.com), a global organization whose stated mission is "The Eradication of Programmed Ignorance. You cannot protect yourself from, or push back against what you are not aware of either by circumstance or design." Roger has written on a wide range of topics affecting our freedoms, and that includes the issue of vaccination, on which he has also worked closely with Christina England. Roger and Christina will expose the very personal side of vaccination when children are damaged or killed by taking the shots, and then parents are blamed and pay a double price for their trust. This Saturday’s show is your opportunity to sit in on a one of a kind meeting with Christina, Roger, and Richard, in which they kick off the first episode of Lost Arts Radio’s Vaccine Education Marathon.

In recent weeks, we have witnessed the roll-out of a massive promotion of vaccination by government, media and their partner corporations in the U.S. and elsewhere. The clear goal is a massive increase in the number of vaccines being administered to the public and especially to children, the demonization of those who choose to avoid vaccines, and the possibility of forced vaccination and the increasingly common suggestion that those who question the religion of vaccination "science" should be put in prison for daring to question its validity. In response to this massive media campaign in which even the U.S. president is a part, Lost Arts Radio has changed the planned shows of the next few weeks, and instead is airing its first ever Vaccination Education Marathon. Want to know the truth about vaccination, where it came from, how it works, what is its real history, and much more? Tune in this Saturday night and on upcoming Saturdays to hear some brave vaccine experts that are actually ready and willing to tell you the truths you may not get anywhere else, so that you can make your own best informed decisions for yourself and your family.

Lost Arts Radio invites you to join us for our free health-related educational broadcasts every week. We are not here to complain or just tell you how bad everything is. We want to acknowledge and understand the threats we face, while keeping our energy strong, and then come together with positive solutions that can work for you. Join host Richard Sacks every week for fascinating discussions and useful information that you will not want to miss.

In-Show Featured Music: http://lostartsresearchinstitute.com/2014-12-26-02-43-37/in-show-music