Mike Williams with David Nio Rodriguez - Social Engineering The Music and Entertainment Industry (16-6-2023)

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Mike Williams with David Niño Rodriguez - Social Engineering The Music and Entertainment Industry (16-6-2023)

Mike sits down with former heavyweight boxer David Nino Rodriguez to discuss the tactics used by the music and entertainment industry to social engineer the world.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/JIkWLKgeN9kS/?list=notifications& ;randomize=false


And that's your new history for the USA, your fucking music, your fucking TV, your fucking social media, and your fucking drugs, in other words; people are made dumb as Fuck in the USA....and in Europe? a little less, but they too are hopelessly lost..but WTF ey...when we go down...we all go down together.......it has now become a great hopeless mess, and that is the path humanity is following now
