Vaccine Information Marathon (Part 3) with 2 Very Special Guests!
Jon Rappoport and Rima E. Laibow, M.D.
The True Pros and Cons of Vaccines
Jon Rappoport ( has worked as a free-lance journalist for more than 30 years. He is a painter, poet, and the author of The Matrix Revealed, Exit From The Matrix, and Power Outside The Matrix. He was a candidate for the U.S. Congress in 1994. He has researched and written extensively on the medical cartel, alternative health, many aspects of what goes on behind the facade in the political world, and especially what are the potential solutions to a world run by hidden "elites," instead of by the people they control. Jon has been a guest on numerous high visibility radio programs and has also hosted and produced radio programs in Los Angeles and Las Vegas. His insights into a wide range of topics including those related to health are insightful and cutting edge.
Rima E. Laibow, M.D. ( is a trustee and the medical director of the Natural Solutions Foundation, whose mission is to discover, document and demonstrate natural solutions for the common problems faced by humanity, particularly in all areas related to health and freedom. Dr. Laibow is also a psychiatrist who has practiced drug-free medicine for over 40 years and has extensively researched, spoken and written on many topics in medicine, including that of vaccination. She has a unique understanding of not only the current urgent topic of vaccination, but the entire drug-centered medical industry, as well as other immediate threats to humanity such as geoengineering (chemtrails), GMO’s, nuclear power and chemical agriculture. Dr. Laibow will be joining us for a special extended show, full of information you can use to help safeguard yourself and your family from all of these ongoing dangers to your health.
In recent weeks, we have witnessed the roll out of a massive promotion of vaccination by government, media and their partner corporations in the U.S. and elsewhere. The clear goal is a massive increase in the number of vaccines being administered to the public and especially to children, the demonization of those who choose to avoid vaccines, the goal of forced vaccination, and the increasingly common suggestion that those who question the religion of vaccination "science" should be put in prison for daring to question its validity.
In response to this massive media campaign, in which even the U.S. president is a part, Lost Arts Radio has changed the order of planned shows, and is airing our first ever Vaccination Education Marathon. Want to know the truth about vaccination, where it came from, how it works, what is its real history, and much more? Tune in this Saturday night and on upcoming Saturdays to hear the truths you may not get anywhere else, so that you can make your own best informed decisions for yourself and your family.
Lost Arts Radio invites you to join us for our free health-related educational broadcasts every week. We want to acknowledge and understand the threats we face, while keeping our energy strong, and then come together with positive solutions that can work for you. Join host Richard Sacks every week for fascinating discussions and useful information that you will not want to miss.
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